Starting Up Tips

Read these 2 Starting Up Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Html tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I learn HTML?

WYSIWYG - Sort of

If you've just decided to make your first webpage, it's a good idea to find a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get, or not) HTML editor to create the pages. WYSIWYG editors allow you to create HTML documents by looking at the end-product as you create, meaning you don't write the actual code; the editor does.

A great way to learn the basics of HTML when using WYSIWYG is to look at the source code as you go along. The big problem is that these editors have a tendency to "mess up" HTML code. Keep this in mind; WYSIWYG is exactly that, What YOU See Is What YOU Get, and may not be what the rest of the world gets.

Why won´t my code work?


In order to avoid troubleshooting your code later on, it's important when learning HTML to focus on nesting. Nesting is the order in which HTML tags are opened, ex. <BODY>, and closed, ex. </BODY>.

The rule is this: First to open is last to close. Here's an example of improper and then the proper code:

Improper code

<H3><B>This is a Headline</H3></B>

Proper code

<H3><B>This is a Headline</B></H3>

Things can get much more complicated looking than this simple example, but if you remember to close tags in the opposite order than they were opened, you'll save yourself time troubleshooting.

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Alexis Niki