Trouble Shooting Tips

Read these 3 Trouble Shooting Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Html tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Why won´t part of my page display?

Embedded Blanks

Proper syntax is imperative to HTML to be interpreted by the browser as intended. If, when viewing a page that you create, it appears as if an element is missing, this is the first thing to check for.

All HTML tags require that the characters in a name be continuous. You can't add extra blanks within a tag or its surrounding markup without causing the browser to ignore the tag (which is what browsers do with tags they can't recognize).

Here's an example; This requirement means that </BODY> is a valid closing tag for a document body, but that none of the following are legal:

< /BODY>

</ BODY>

</B ODY>

</BO DY>

</BOD Y>

</BODY >

You get the idea. Don't use blanks inside tags, except to deliberately seperate a tag name from an attribute name.

How do I increase my website´s appeal to users?

Quality Links

An often overlooked aspect to webpage design is creating quality links. How often have you been to webpages that contain broken links or the links don't point to what they suggest that they point to. Although broken links may be no fault of your own. After all, websites get updated and sometimes page locations or filenames change. As a webmaster or website owner, you owe it to your users to periodically surf your site and check to make sure that you have no broken links and that all of your links point to exactly what you intend them to.

Why won´t my code work?

Nesting Mistakes

In order to avoid troubleshooting your code later on, it's important when learning HTML to focus on nesting. Nesting is the order in which HTML tags are opened, ex. <BODY>, and closed, ex. </BODY>.

The rule is this: First to open is last to close. Here's an example of improper and then the proper code:

Improper code

<H3><B>This is a Headline</H3></B>

Proper code

<H3><B>This is a Headline</B></H3>

Things can get much more complicated looking than this simple example, but if you remember to close tags in the opposite order than they were opened, you'll save yourself time troubleshooting.

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Guru Spotlight
Alexis Niki