Proper syntax is imperative to HTML to be interpreted by the browser as intended. If, when viewing a page that you create, it appears as if an element is missing, this is the first thing to check for.
All HTML tags require that the characters in a name be continuous. You can't add extra blanks within a tag or its surrounding markup without causing the browser to ignore the tag (which is what browsers do with tags they can't recognize).
Here's an example; This requirement means that </BODY> is a valid closing tag for a document body, but that none of the following are legal:
< /BODY>
</ BODY>
</B ODY>
</BO DY>
</BOD Y>
</BODY >
You get the idea. Don't use blanks inside tags, except to deliberately seperate a tag name from an attribute name.
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Do all HTML tags need a closing tag?
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Can I add a background color to text?
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Why won´t part of my page display?
How do I format a paragraph in HTML?
How do I use a horizontal rule?
How do I make text look like it´s from a typewriter?
How do I add an image to my webpage?
How do I use superscript in HTML?
How do I place a web page element centered?
What can I learn in the HTML tag definitions category?
How do I use strikethrough style?
How do I use subscript in HTML?
How do I underline text with HTML?
What are some of the new tags and functions in HTML 5?